Carrying and Unwinding
Lately, I've been finding myself to start rushing around, doing everything when I get home more and more. I carry Z around with me, but it is not the same as spending quality time with her. I know some of these things can wait, but some, like my growling stomach, cannot. I'm also becoming slightly concerned by how clingy Z is getting with me. I know babies go through a separation anxiety phase around now, but she does need to play by herself sometimes and be okay with seeing me doing something in the same room or next room over from her. I am starting to wonder if I have done something irreparable such that she will have massive separation anxiety. Then, another part of me thinks everything is just fine and that this is normal for now. This parenting thing is so much second guessing oneself!! On a good note, the other night, I made myself spend, what ended up being 30 minutes, with my yoga practice. It was well past my bedtime, but my body and soul needed it so badly. It was ...