Hacks of a Working Mama

So I've been back to work for a full month, and boy! It sure feels like a year of this routine already. Not only did I return to work, but my husband started on a second shift position. Enter our crazy work week schedule and a total of 50 minutes during the week where we get to actually see one another (there's a 10 minute gap between when I get home and he leaves for work; longer if I can get home earlier). I work an adjusted schedule, going into work at 6:30am and leaving by 2:30pm. Hubby gets home at midnight, and depending on Z's feeding wake time, sometimes I see him then. I do usually get a kiss or pat when he gets into bed, which is sweet and I enjoy.

I miss watching Z's milestones, particularly the little changes in her day in and day out. I also admit, I was slightly jealous at first, of her newfound attachment to my hubby when I would arrive home. I quickly got over this, and I'm so happy that they get this special connection and all of this great time to bond together. Work is a very mentally stimulating atmosphere and I definitely use the 20 minute drive home to get it off of my mind and decompress so I can be an engaged mama. It doesn't always work, and sometimes I get road rage, but when I see that little face, life is wonderful. (Sometimes the road rage is because I want to get home to my loves).

Enter the need for finding a really consistent routine and preparations for the next day (and as best I can, on Sunday for the week - but that is also a balance because I don't want to spend Sunday busy doing too many chores when I could be spending it with my family.

First off, the biggest thing I have discovered is there is almost zero time for me. My workout regime has gone almost completely out of the door, unless the weather cooperates and I can take Z for a walk or run outside after work. I haven't been to yoga in almost three months- it feels like a friend you haven't seen in ages and are embarrassed to reach back out to because it's been so long when you told them you wouldn't let it get that way...but I am going to try to find time to carve it back into my schedule, if it is even just me practicing myself on my mat at home versus at my awesome studio. On weekends, if I am motivated enough, I will wake up early for a solo run which is nice when it happens. I also multitask and use Z as a weight when playing with her - I do crunches while she gets to go for an airplane ride, but there's only so much of that she can tolerate. I had these grand intentions of doing my HIIT workouts during her afternoon naps. However...I quickly realized I need to use that time for...

Prep. Let's just say, the first week I was back at work I definitely was trying to find my groove in what I needed to prep, where, how, what, etc. I think I've got a pretty good system down, and thankfully my memory hasn't failed me horribly much day in and out with remembering what I need to do.

So here goes:
Since I still breast feed, and pump at work, I have to transfer all the milk from the day to the fridge, switch out and clean pumping gear from the current day in prep for the next day. Have to dump out the day's milk from the bottle and freeze whatever is leftover from the original pump bottle. Unfortunately, Z doesn't care so much for thawed out milk. Regardless, I can't bring myself to throw the milk out, and who knows if/when we will need it. Frozen milk also serves the purpose of liquifying her oatmeal if there isn't enough fresh milk for that. I also prep her oatmeal containers and pureed solid foods for the next day.

Then, onto the adult food - it's a blur of dishes to be washed, food to be cooked, lunches/dinners to be packed whenever I can squeeze that in between quality time with my girl and other activities or chores. I also found that I had to prep my coffee mug with my sugar in it, put out my vitamins to take in the morning and even pour my cereal into a bowl and put into the fridge with a spoon ready to rock for the early morning breakfasts I have.

Then, we move upstairs to where I pull out my clothes, shoes and jewelry for the next day and put them into Z's bathroom (where I have also transferred my makeup so I do that there in the mornings). I moved everything there because it is literally next door to her bedroom, and i can hear her, plus, if she is awake, I can easily bring her in there with me while I get ready without disturbing hubby. I also pick out a different outfit to put on Z for the next day and get her vitamin D dose ready to administer without having to remember it that early in the morning.

After I finally get Z to bed, which is quite late these days (8pm or so) since she is also going through sleep regression (bwahhhh!!), I eat my dinner, do dishes and then any chores or may be find time to watch an episode of something or blog or read. I tried working out a few times at that point in the night, but it wound me up and was counter productive to needing to fall asleep... Then, I hop in the shower and it's off to bed for me.


I also made a list of chores to do each day of the week and out on the chalkboard in our kitchen so I wouldn't have to remember what needs done and helps get the typical household chores done in a week. Bigger chores like cleaning bathrooms and floors come sporadically and far between...but, some things have to be let go of and for me, that was my standard of how frequently things need cleaned.

At work, I'm no nonsense and eat at my desk 99% of the time so I can get in and out on time (or early, which rarely happens!).

Hubby and I finally found our groove, also, in utilizing the ten minutes we see one another a day. The first few weeks it was all business about what did Z eat, how many poops, how did she sleep...you know, all the fun stuff, right? Now, we talk about the important things on our minds, events in our lives or those of friends/family and sprinkle in updates about their day and the more mundane food/poop/sleep details. We even got in an afternoon delight (wink wink) once because the stars aligned and Z was asleep and I got home early.

So, as you can see, life during the week is....difficult. But, it is only a phase we have to manage through and if we so choose, we have some options we could exercise to change the situation. Our weekends are even more special than they were before, and we don't waste our time on things we don't value (and occasionally we do have to do bigger chores, like mow the lawn). But we enjoy one another as a family and spend time with close friends when they are free.
